On December 3rd, the Development of Cooperation & Department organized the delightful "JOURNEY TO THE WEST: VINH LONG TOUR" for UEL international students and DCD collaborators. Although the adventure only spanned a single day, it gave all participants joyous and unforgettable experiences.


Có thể là hình ảnh về 9 người và văn bản cho biết 'KHUDULICH DULICH VINH SANG KHU Angkor KHU'

Throughout the trip, the French student had the chance to discover the enchanting beauty of Vinh Long and the Mekong Delta, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of Vietnam's landscapes, delectable cuisine, and rich culture showcased to their international comrades. Beyond that, it served as a heartening opportunity to strengthen the bonds between our international and Vietnamese students, fostering lasting memories within the academic and personal journeys at UEL.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 9 người và văn bản

The Vinh Long tour may have come to a close, but the warmth and joy of that day continue to resonate in the hearts of all who took part. With the Vinh Long tour behind us, join us and the Department of Development & Cooperation in looking back on the cherished moments that made our youth truly memorable.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 6 người và cây

See more information at: Fanpage HTPT

News and images: Department Of Cooperation And Development