An MOU was signed between the University of Economics and Law (UEL) and The Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) on October 1st, 2021.

Due to the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the signing ceremony was held online with the participation of Ms. Emily Hamblin, HCM Consul General, Country Director for International Trade in Vietnam& Deputy Regional Director, Southeast Asia, Department for International Trade UK, British Consulate General, Professor Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Training.
With regard to The Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Renjith Varma, ACCA Regional Director – South East Asia Mainland (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand).
With regard to the presence of representatives of the University of Economics and Law, we werepleased to have Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung - Rector of the University; Dr. Ho Xuan Thuy - Dean of Faculty of Accounting & Auditing; Mrs. Le Bich Thuy- Head of External Relation Office and all the Lecturers of Faculty of Accounting & Auditing at UEL.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung expressed his delight with the close cooperation efforts over the past ten years between the University of Economics and Law and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). With ACCA's support in many exchange programs about learning experiences of major universities in the world, educational forums, international seminars, periodic professional training coursesfor lecturers, scholarship programs & career orientation for students, ACCA has created favorable conditions for the University of Economics - Law to enhance the training of experienced lecturers and help students access the latest knowledge updated according to international standards. As a result, the cooperation has promoted the outstanding achievements that former and current students of UEL have achieved when becoming a member of ACCA, and they haveheld important positions in Big 4 and foreign enterprises. Therefore, the signing event of the 3rd MOU with a term of 3 years from 2021-2024 has affirmed the cooperation commitment between UEL and ACCA, jointly reaching the goal of improving the quality of student and lecturer training according to international standards.

The cooperation signing ceremony ended well, opening an opportunity for the graduates of UEL's Accounting and Auditing program to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Vietnam's accounting and auditing human resources in the region and the world.