Workshop "Accounting - Auditing: Reality and the future in the context of digital transformation"

On November 27, 2020, the University of Economics and Law organized a conference with the theme "Accounting - Auditing: Reality and the future in the context of digital transformation".

The conference was hosted by the Faculty of Accounting - Auditing, University of Economics and Law, and was sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

The conference created an academic forum to discuss issues related to accounting and auditing in the context of the roadmap for applying international financial reporting standards and the impacts of digital transformation on accounting and auditing fields. Moreover, the conference provided additional scientific and practical basis as well as recommended solutions for state agencies; economic, accounting - auditing institutions, and enterprises in promulgating policies and strategies for developing, renewing teaching curriculum, programs, and methods to adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0.

Some images from the Conference: